Art Requirements
Royal requires clean, sharp, black/white vector artwork as either an AI, EPS or PDF formatted files.
We refer to this as camera-ready artwork.
The following are some common issues which would prevent a clean, finished print in your artwork.

Scanned / Non-Vector artwork:
Pixel based ( Raster or Scanned images ) files such as JPG, PNG,
TIFF’s, GIF’s or BMP’s will not be usable as the image will not be sharp,
will have fuzzy edges and will not reproduce well. Please note that some
upplied scanned files may have been saved as an EPS, PDF or AI file but
are still scanned images. These files cannot be manipulated in any way to
make any changes.
We require VECTOR artwork only (converted to curves)!
Very small copy or logos:
Very small copy, union bugs, logos or artwork tends to close up to some
degree during the hot stamping process making it unreadable. There is
no set acceptable point size as some items accept smaller imprints
better than others. Please be advised of the potential problem before
sending new artwork.
Heavy, reverse printing:
“Reverse” or “Dropout” printing tends to close up to some degree during
the hot stamp printing process. Small or fine dropout (white) copy or
artwork within a heavy black shape may close up because this requires
a heavier foil lay down. This means that more pressure is needed during
the printing process to make sure all the foil adheres thereby causing
“spreading” of the foil and consequently closing up the image within
making it difficult or impossible to read. Please note that not every
reverse image is unacceptable. When the inside image is big and bold
and the background black shape isn’t excessive, we should expect an
acceptable reproduction.
Halftoned, grayscale or shaded artwork:
Halftones are made up of very fine dots and densities to give a shaded
or shadowed appearance. While these images may look fine on your
monitor the fine dots will cause either “drop out”, distortion or “fill-in”
during the printing process resulting in a sloppy and inconsistent overall
appearance. The end result will not look as fine and the gradation as
consistent as the original artwork.*It is Royal’s policy to not accept any
halftoned artwork. We require only solid, spot, black and white vector
artwork to avoid this issue.
Difficult to print typestyles:
Some supplied art or copy with particular typestyles may be problematic
to reproduce. Here are some examples to avoid:
a. Fine flourishes. Some script or calligraphic fonts have very thin
flourishes with very tight details. This may result in lines breaking
up, filling in or completely dropping out. resulting in a hard to read
imprint due to spreading and fill in. This is especially problematic
when used within body text as opposed to a larger headline text.
b. Hand tooled or fine, outlined fonts. These are fonts that have a fine
outlined or double line. Results may include lines touching or
completely filling thereby changing the expected, fine-detailed look
c. Bold condensed fonts. These fonts may be spaced very close
together, causing letters to meld together during printing, becoming
harder to distinguish.
d. Raw, editable text fields with exotic fonts - please make sure
that prior to sending art you convert all texts to vector/curves for
a speedy, hassle free print. If the files sent contain editable text
using a font we do not have access to it may cause delays in your
orders production.